Empowering Success Through Collaboration & Partnerships

At Innovative National Strategies Consulting LLC, our mission is to empower our clients with the expertise needed to understand the historical and current environment of border security, national security, immigration, and customs processes. With over 27 years of experience along the Southwest Border from Texas to California, we bring extensive knowledge in investigations, criminal intelligence, emergency management, and supply chain protection.

Continue reading to find out more about Innovative National Strategies Consulting LLC.

A large container ship is in the background.

Our Technical Expertise

Innovative National Strategies Consulting LLC is your trusted partner for specialized consultation in border and national security. Our focus encompasses investigations, criminal intelligence, emergency management, immigration, and customs, ensuring your organization is well-prepared to navigate complex challenges.

Proven Track Record

With a career spanning nearly three decades, I've had the privilege of serving along the Southwest Border, from Texas to California. Over the years, I've led investigative offices, managed agency-wide emergency response programs, and collaborated with industry and academia to combat counterfeit merchandise and safeguard the U.S. Supply Chain.

A river running through the middle of an area.
Two people discussing something wearing suits

Our Collaborative Approach

Our commitment to your success begins with a thorough consultation to identify your unique needs and opportunities. We deliver a comprehensive report complete with a project plan, timelines, cost analysis, and a clear path to achieving your goals. Our suite of quality products ensures a seamless journey toward your objectives.

Why Choose Us?

We understand that selecting the right business mentor is crucial. At Innovative National Strategies Consulting LLC, we are selective in our client partnerships, dedicating the time and guidance necessary to bring out your full potential. Whether you seek strategic alliances, specialized skills, or essential tools, contact us today. Together, we'll craft and refine your pathway to success because, just like us, you won't achieve it alone.

A person is writing on paper with a pen.